About me

I am currently serving as a Mission Coordinator with Singapore Baptist Convention.

I became a Christian in 1986 and was discipled by the Navigators in Ngee Ann Polytechnics. I have learnt and grow to be a disciple, and by God’s grace and calling, after I graduated, I continue to serve as volunteer labourer in the ministry.

In 1994 I felt called into full time ministry with the Navigators as a campus ministry staff. In 1999 I left the Navigators and serve as a missionary with Training Evangelistic Leadership (TEL) in GZ. Working and trained under Tom Flakes, by God’s grace we have developed a team of national co-workers who are trained to evangelize, disciple and lead the ministry.

In 2010, together with a team of our national co-workers, we planted a house church in GZ.

After leaving GZ in 2013, I returned to Singapore to continue serving as the elder of Matheteuo Christian Church.



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